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Diabetes Academy is a platform that exposes and discusses all diabetes-related aspects. It was created to bring together people with diabetes around the world to learn and benefit from the knowledge and experience of what athletes and professionals with type 1 diabetes already went through.


We understand the challenges of exercising with type 1 diabetes because almost all staff members and founder of the platform are athletes who have been living with type 1 diabetes for decades combined. We understand how difficult it is to train your diabetes to achieve your desired goals and targets. You can check our team here.





Why do we think having this platform is important to the community?

From our experience, the current system of helping people with diabetes to develop the knowledge and tools that they need to manage activities safely is not sufficient enough. A lot of diabetes educational systems neglect the fact that everyone is different, and that different types of activities will have different effect on your blood sugar levels, such as different types of exercises, stress and daily physical activities. Also everyone has their own different sensitivity to insulin, food and supplements.


What is our aim?

  • To educate people with diabetes about their condition from the basics. This is done by our posts that are updated regularly on the platform blog.

  • To help people learn the skills needed to manage their blood glucose levels before, during and after physical activity, sport and exercise.

  • To educate parents, teachers and coaches so that they understand how to help people with diabetes, in the context of sport and exercise, so that individuals with type 1 diabetes can participate fully without fear of being made to feel different because of their diabetes.

Who is the platform for?

  • People with Diabetes – All types and ages

  • Parents that have kids with diabetes and need guidance and education on how to help their kids manage their life

  • Teachers that have students with diabetes but not sure how to deal with their condition and need to be directed

  • Coaches that do not want to take the risk of training someone with diabetes fearing the condition

  • Pregnant women that are suffering/suffered from gestational diabetes or have any other types of diabetes

  • People with type-2 diabetes that are looking into reversing their condition

  • Anyone that needs tips about nutrition and workouts as we upload workout videos and diet plans ideas consistently

We believe that educating and coaching shouldn't be expensive, it should be affordable to anyone who is in need. Therefore we decided to drop our rates as much as possible. Check out our packages on the "Join Us" page or alternatively click here



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